Saturday, February 26, 2011

I Know It's February, but for Me it's December

  My English teacher--who is awesome, by the way, and who I wish I could have as a teacher every year--plays music in the morning, on his stereo or from his iPod, and he loves this band called the Decemberists. I had heard of them before, but never one of their songs, and then I heard one one morning. It was called "The Mariner's Revenge Song." It was awesome. I love them now. That song inspired me for the story where my main character's mother is killed by a psychopathic dude who was posing as a PI to find victims. And another song by them, "This is Why We Fight," is on the inspiration playlist for another story I'm working on about a bunch of mutant freaks. 
  So, you know, if you have the time, check them out. Especially The Hazards of Love

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