Saturday, December 22, 2012

Just in Case I'm Not Back Before Then...

  No, not because the world is going to end. That's over and done with, and as far as I know we're still here. And if we're not, I don't think whether I post or not on my blog is top priority for anyone out there. No, I mean just in case I'm not back before Christmas is over I wanted to wish you all well (or Festivus, for those of you that celebrate it as I did for the first time this year).
  Merry Christmas. Happy New Year. Go play in the snow, if you're lucky enough to have any. Watch Disney movies and the Harry Potter marathon on ABC Family. Eat lots of food you've been told to fear. Tell people exactly what you think of them. Give presents, because they say that's better than getting them. Celebrate the fact that all those crazy people were wrong and the world didn't end (or mourn, if that's the way you feel about it). Don't drink and drive. Make a child smile; don't be "that guy" and make them cry. Basically, be safe, have fun, and enjoy your various holiday festivities. 
--Love, NiteOwl 

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