In this corner...
Me, with my undying (get it?) support and fan-love for Freddy Krueger and his b------g glove. I mean, I have always been on the Freddy side of the Freddy-Jason debate, even before JEH pulled on the sweater. I just thought he was cooler, and the man formerly known as Kelly Leak only cemented that further in my head, messed-up as it is. I mean, Freddy can kill you in your dreams. What's Jason got? A hockey mask and a machete. Big deal. So what if he came back from the dead? So did Freddy--and Freddy shows his horribly mutilated face proudly. He doesn't hide behind a mask. He has a cool hat. And, for the most part, the movies had a thread of continuity to them--didn't Jason drown in the end of one movie, and then in the next followed a group of teens to an island or whatever it was by swimming behind their boat? What, did he take swimming lessons while he was dead or something? I mean, seriously, dude. Can you or can't you? Only your director knows for sure.
Plus, Freddy has his own freaking theme song (which I have memorized and will one day use as a ringtone when I actually have a cell phone--I don't have one yet, and never have. That's truly scary, dream-killer or not). "One, two, Freddy's coming for you..." Jason has, oh, yeah, "Jason Jason Jason...kill kill kill..." I mean, compare that, bro-dude.
In this corner...
My younger brother, with his on/off fanship of the murderous goalie who has the same name as one of my uncles. You see, he never really had an emotional stake in the game, and that's fine, I don't hate him for that; it's kind of like what I would do if the Red Sox play the Phillies in the World Series, seeing as I kind of hate both teams. Like, a lot. But anyway. I digress. Then one day my brother likes Jason, but we don't really talk about it that much. Fine again. When we do, though, he is strictly pro-Jason. Then one day (about the time the Nightmare on Elm Street remake comes out), my brother decides to go Freddy. This is even better with me, as you know my stance on this. He's been pro-Freddy ever since then...or, at least, until we go to school one day (Monday, actually), and he drops a line about how much Freddy "sucks" (direct quote here).
Yes, that's why I'm writing this post. Because my brother is a stupidface bandwagonner who can't stick to one side and has apparently no emotional attachment to whoever he likes that time because he drops them like a piece of hot iron whenever he feels like it.
That's why I think Freddy would win. Because he's got--well, maybe not God on his side (sorry, had to get a Eurythmics quote in here), but he's got me, and I'm backing him up to the final nightmare. What does Jason have? A mask, a machete, and my brother Flipsy, who clearly doesn't really give a crap about his champion. Freddy's got a sweater, a glove, and NiteOwl, who will never, ever back down from my belief about his superiority.
Clearly, Freddy wins.
Whose side are YOU on?